Old World Chaos Army: Painted Miniatures and 3D-Printed Additions

Hello and welcome back dear reader! If you remember, I was bitten with the Warhammer: Old World bug, as many others where. I also had a 3D printed Bretonnian army almost done, that I said I would get ready.. Turn out, this is not the case, as my birthday rolled up and my SO grantedContinue reading “Old World Chaos Army: Painted Miniatures and 3D-Printed Additions”

The old world cometh; are you ready?

Hello and long time no see! Small update, got one of the companies sold, and then I have had some well needed vacation days. This doesn’t mean I’ve been sitting idly. No, not at all! This vacation coincided quite nicely with the release of Warhammer: The old world, and gave me time to muster anContinue reading “The old world cometh; are you ready?”

Magenetized Questor Soulsworn

Hey and welcome back! finally, FINALLY! I have got the Questor Soulsworn magnetized, based and painted. This has been such a long project, staring mockingly at me half done on the table, and it is finally over. Why has it taken such time you might ask? I HATE painting stormcast it seems. Something about the armour is justContinue reading “Magenetized Questor Soulsworn”

Warcry: Vulkyn Flameseekers

Hello dear readers! First and foremost, Happy Independence day! Secondly, Vulkyn Flameseekers! This box comes with 9 miniatures which 6 can be built with either a Fyresteel splitaxe or Bokaz. The big difference between the two are that the Fyresteel splitaxe has better strength and the Bokaz better crit damage. Interestingly most fighters in theContinue reading “Warcry: Vulkyn Flameseekers”

Dark elf Warband

Hey and welcome back! Interestingly enough, I’m already done with the Dark elf warband. 6 Dread spears, inspiration drawn from box art. In the game, these would be 390 points worth of chaff. 6 Darkshards, these will be the ranged backbone of the warband. In game worth 540 points. And last we have a standContinue reading “Dark elf Warband”