Old World Chaos Army: Painted Miniatures and 3D-Printed Additions

Hello and welcome back dear reader!

If you remember, I was bitten with the Warhammer: Old World bug, as many others where. I also had a 3D printed Bretonnian army almost done, that I said I would get ready..

Turn out, this is not the case, as my birthday rolled up and my SO granted my birthday wish which turned out to be a big box of CHAOS MADNESS!

This period was then followed with ebay purchases, A LOT OF THEM.

And now I can present you a fully painted (-bases) Chaos army!

Please note that this army is still 0 of 3 in matches (goddang nehekhara skellys), but hopefully they will claim their first victory soon!

Here we have chaos warriors from at least 3 different eras. The plastic might be newer, poses more dynamic, but I still love the old plastic warriors the most. The newer one are a pain in the behind to rank up on squares, and i really can’t recommend them other than having more choice in weapons.

Here we have some blight kings, that will be my counts as Chaos chosen. This turned out to be a terrible, TERRIBLE idea. They are hard to rank up, the weapons are big and unwieldy and worst of all: They cost 10€ a piece.

I can’t understate how bad this decision was. In a rank&file game, you really can’t afford to pay this much for only 5 of them. For them to be effective I should really have a box or two more. And I ain’t doing that..

My two heroes, a Shardspeaker as my counts as Sorecerer lord and a Chaos lord as my general.


Everybody need a cheap fast chaff unit, in my case fenris wolves as chaos warhounds. My Frostgrave purchases finally paid off!

yes yes, I know it’s the wrong size of base. But really, look at them. They don’t rank up on those small 30×60 bases. I really tried, promise!

A magnetized Gorebeast/Chaos Chariot. Completely magnetized so I have both options. The Gorebeast might have sub -par movement but boy it wrecks when it lands a charge. Those Ushabties never knew what hit them!

And then to the 3D-printed portion to the army.

4 chaos spawn and a giant. The Giant is not really Chaos-y looking but I digress. I printed one for my Ork-playing friend, so I hope I’ll se them clash on the battlefield!

Well damn, that’s a lot of models!

One note, I recently changed phones, and this camera seems to have some red hues in the picture quality. I need to fiddle and see whats wrong with it. Also the focus seems to be whack. And I need a better setup for taking pictures.. Sigh.

Well, see you next time!



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